The most downloaded files from Aminet during the week until 16-Jul-95 Updated weekly. Most popular file on top.
File              Dir        Size Age Description
----------------- ---        ---- --- -----------
ar313.lha          docs/mags   93K   0+Amiga Report 3.13, July 11, 1995
term-030.lha       comm/term  632K   0+V4.4, MC68020/030/040/060 version
VChck657.lha       util/virus 127K   0+Version 6.57 of Virus_Checker. Amiga
anews20.lha        docs/mags  289K   1+AmyNews #20; info about new Amiga pr
pgs3h2.lha         biz/patch  393K   1+PageStream 2.0h Patches
pgs3h1.lha         biz/patch  490K   1+PageStream 2.0h Patches
MagicWBStuff4.lha  pix/mwb    1.0M   0+Lots of prof. MWB pix and icons 8^)
DiamondCave2.0.lha game/misc  511K   1+The ultimate Boulder Dash Clone V2.0
tiff.dtype.lha     util/dtype  27K   1+TIFF datatype. Converst 24bit images
term-libs.lha      comm/term  126K   0+V4.4, XPR and XEM libs
term-doc.lha       comm/term  203K   0+V4.4, AmigaGuide format and library
IPDial1_6.lha      comm/tcp    55K   1+SLIP dialer; stdin/out terminal prog
pronet21.lha       comm/net    14K   1+Amiga Network V2.1 UPDATE!
NewModel.jpg       pix/misc    63K   0+So, C= is dead? Here's their new mod
DiamondPref1.3.lha game/misc   24K   1+Preferences for Diamond Caves V2.0
DiamondEdit1.3.lha game/misc   78K   1+Leveleditor for Diamond Caves V2.0
term-main.lha      comm/term  633K   0+V4.4, Distribution for all Amigas
Mipric_TEI_7.lha   game/role  409K   1+REAL!!! fantasy RPG close to TSR nov
DiamondSfx1.1.lha  game/misc   19K   1+Use custom samples within Diamond Ca
ARTv1i2A.lha       docs/mags   27K   0+AR Tech Journal, Vol 1 Issue 2 in Am